Yes you, balance team dudes. Are you guys drunk or sleepy or INSANE when deciding what this you called: BALANCE? What is the balance of removing spell shield from Orbia HAH? How is this a slight nerf? We Orbia users rarely, super rarely, complaint. Other summoners have better skill sets than us but we make do with what you give us, or taken, but THIS ONE IS TOO MUCH. Do you hate us that much you don't want us to survive at all huh? Why don't you just delete Orbia instead? Number one student on Academy Rahil,… what a lie.
I am seriously amazed by all of you, more than one of you but have this collective stupidity. So amazed I can't even think of any curse words to throw at because there's no amount of rude and violent profanities can represent this idiotic balance of yours. Hope you guys get sober soon and repent.
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