You already did a wonderfull job with the character assassination, but why not go the full mile and remove the flimsy little bubble? No safety is better than a false safety. Oh you should also remove the bonus on attribute advantage or move it to PvE only because you won't get that anyways in LD wonderland. How about inflicting herself with critDmg down and atk down if she drops below 90% HP? Oh oh remove the stun from her third skill, it is making it rather unpleasant to fight against a fire monkey with the irresistable stun, but hey that officialy becam a feature so gj on that. Any more revelations on “it is working as intended”? A certain Bird and a neglected rune set for instance? Could you crank up that Camilla artifact to 300% for the summoner and herself? That would be lovely.
Oh also, nice job on nerfing Kina again, poor thing was getting out of control with all the benefits she got from the recent update such as level cap increases, new weapon sets, mythics - it just really stacked up after a while. I really appreciate that you are sidelining her as much as possible, yet she is still the only relevant A.I. in your afk clown fiesta by design. But hey we are slowly reaching the point where she turns irrelevant, you just need to keep it up a bit longer, you are getting so close to figuring it out.
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