You absolute troglodytes have managed to make every single monster Kina can use offensively, useless at this point, I'm going to go through every single viable monster, and list the easy counters you can pick, so maybe these retards can actually buff Kina instead when she is literal trash as always has been, since the only reason she is even used at all, is because 99% of this game's players are retarded, and a couple of broken LD and OPM monster are the only reason people can use her at all, don't have them, shit out of luck.
Dark Polar Queen, just keep monsters spread out, really if it's an Orbia or Soleta it's just going to die without doing anything anyway, Cleaf can just provoke her away from everything else anyway and kill it, hard to call it viable.
Dark Beast Monk, just strip it, in general he's not too useful since his counter will send him infront of the target against archers/mages, so now he cannot counter anymore since they are still targeting him, unless you have provoke, only good to counter warriors or protect broken monsters.
Fire Magic Knight, just take wind Dragon Knight, now it's useless, otherwise just bring a tank wind mage to distract it, if a Kina wants to send it to the right target it needs to use her useless 1st skill and then have them not move far away enough to have it change target, not the 2nd skill, because it's ranged.
Water Magic Knight, wind Dragon Knight, water Harp Magician, either of those will make her value near 0, wind Dragon Knight prevents cooldown up and can easily kill her, water Harp prevents defense down, and wind Dragon Knight also prevents attack speed builds.
Wind Magic Knight, just take wind Dragon, same above with the distract counter except water, except she is even more useless.
Light Magic Knight, wind Dragon Knight, fire Monkey King, Hyeonu Kim, 100% evasion tank, wind Dragon, fire Beetle Knight, all of these can just make her useless really, and no one really used her anyway.
Dark Magic Knight, there is no good counter, one of the few things Kina are abusing to be high, but an Orbia or Cleaf with her is far scarier anyway, a 5 mana set Orbia is just a free win really, wind Dragon has a 7 second cooldown, you made this broken thing to counter the root spammers, but all you have to do is use it twice in a row, and wind Dragon is now useless, since they strip the buffs anyway, good job, as usual with your counters.
Wind Valkyrie, she can't kill an Orbia anyway with spellshield, just strip her attack up and she useless.
Light Valkyrie, just don't take defense down, oblivion like fire Ifrit
Fire Vampire, water Paladin, really kinda obvious, or just strip the summoner, always wind Dragon Knight as well for attack speed builds.
Light Vampire, wind Dragon Knight, in general not too useful since his passive will not activate if he takes damage over the small requirement, which DPS summoners will easily breach.
Dark Vampire, wind Dragon Knight, Hyeonu Kim with 100% evasion, fire Monkey King with 100% evasion, just send these infront of his face and what can he even do.
Fire Desert Queen, fire Beetle Knight, though you just nerfed him too, wind Dragon, water Harp
Dark Desert Queen, wind Dragon, water Harp.
Fire Monkey King, fire Phoenix, wind Dragon Knight, water Harp with artifact.
Water Monkey King, water Harp, water Paladin prevents summoner hitting.
Light Monkey King, one of the few monsters without counters, just use his skill twice in a row against wind Dragon, at least buff overload with immunity can potentially stop it.
Dark Monkey King, water Harp.
Fire Sylph, just take a DoT cleanse, water Harp with artifact.
Light Sylph, just take a DoT cleanse, water Harp with artifact.
Light Archangel, just use shields.
Dark Archangel, wind Dragon Knight.
Fire Occult Girl, just take a DoT cleanse.
Wind Panda Warrior, just strip his counter, destroy heal set, fire Dragon Knight, ignore him.
Dark Panda Warrior, wind Dragon Knight, dark Jack-o'-Lantern.
Fire Ifrit, one of the few without much counter, since he can counter wind Dragon Knight, but at the same time only if they don't bring anything to counter his oblivion or ability to use it on wind Dragon Knight, this is assuming attack speed built, if not attack speed built he's not doing anything of value anyway on a Kina unless they have fire Paladin, then just bring DoT removal.
Light Ifrit, fire Beetle Knight, wind Dragon Knight if attack speed built, which is should be on a Kina, though most won't I'm sure.
Dark Jack-o'-Lantern, don't AoE strip, ban him if you need to, wind Dragon Knight if attack speed built, which it should be on a Kina, though most won't I'm sure, focus him down with block beneficial effects, immunity.
Light Joker, wind Dragon Knight, fire Beetle Knight, fire Monkey King.
Dark Joker, fire Garuda, water Mermaid.
Light Kobold Bomber, fire Garuda, water Mermaid, water Harp.
Dark Chimera, wind Dragon Knight, fire Beetle Knight.
Dark Sky Dancer, ignore her unless Soleta, block beneficial, strip attack up.
Light Pirate Captain, one of the few without something that makes him entirely useless, though you just need to remove his invincibility, light Mermaid, in general a lot of normal things will make him useless anyway like provokes, can even just use a water Vagabond.
Fire Raven, wind Dragon Knight, distract with wind mage.
Light Raven, one of the few without something that makes him entirely useless, though you just need to ignore him, or provoke, or bring any warrior and attack after it counters them, water Harp will also heal you and prevent stuns.
Dark Raven, destroy heal, wind Dragon Knight, light Lich.
Dark Pioneer, just bring a full strip and nuke, or ignore death denial, fire Beetle Knight.
Fire Hell Lady, just strip her endure.
Water Hell Lady, wind Dragon.
Wind Hell Lady, water Harp will make her defense down useless, her 2nd skill's stun will heal you, normal assassin counters.
Light Hell Lady, block beneficial, don't stack a ton of defense based melee with low max HP…
Dark Hell Lady, one of the few monsters with not much counters as seen by everyone using her, fire Beetle Knight, unrevivable, unrevivable damage to prevent her from reviving.
Fire Vampire Hunter, wind Dragon Knight.
Water Vampire Hunter, water Paladin with the artifact, without it, not much, but not very viable either thanks to Paladins…
Wind Vampire Hunter, water Paladin with artifact, light Occult Girl.
Dark Oracle, water Harp, wind Fairy Queen.
Genos, water Harp, immunity.
Garou, one of the few with barely any hard counters, though for a DPS summoner it should be easy with oblivion before he transforms, unlike a Kina who's DPS will just keep hitting him after missing the application.
Silverfang, wind Dragon Knight
Wind Fox, just bring DoT removal.
Light Fox, fire Beetle Knight before his “buff”, now sorta still but not really, at least for DPS summoners the oblivion will prevent the revive if she doesn't remove it herself even, one of the few with not too much counters to make completely useless.
Magical Archers, wind Dragon Knight, dark specifically wind Dragon, light specifically DoT removal or strip/prevent her immunity, water DoT removal, since these morons made undead count as a DoT.
Fire Dragon Knight, just basic attack it if they don't have 100% evasion, if they do just ignore it, oblivion, can't counter if rooted or silenced either.
Water Dragon Knight, a Kina with him is useless, summoner passives will stop the majority of attempts you would try without summoner damage to assist, ignore him, but yes one of the few without a direct counter, skill cooldown up, don't harmful him, light Magical Archer.
Wind Dragon Knight, even more useless on a Kina against other summoners, can't even call him viable.
Light Dragon Knight, strip his counter, fire Phoenix.
Dark Dragon Knight, wind Fairy Queen, light Panda Warrior, dark Vagabond, wind Dragon Knight.
Twins, water Harp for stuns/defense down, DoT removal against light Chakram, still water Harp even, a tank assassin, kill one, wind Dragon Knight against water Boomerang.
Dark Paladin, one of the few with barely any counters, who would have thought a Paladin…Either way unrecoverable AoE, though she is the best one at it.
Wind/light Phoenix, if together with 3 separate shield sets and immunity set, not really any counterplay beyond light Orbia, forced to ban, but to achieve you need to dedicate to the gimmick so it should be easier to win after banning, otherwise 5 mana set, full tank teams that can survive it.
Fire/dark Beast Rider, wind Dragon Knight.
Water/wind/light Beast Rider, wind Dragon Knight, fire Dragon Knight with 100% evasion, fire Beast Monk with lower HP than summoner and 100% evasion, many others can be built the same as fire Beast Monk and work.
Water Dragon, water Harp, immunity.
Light Dragon, oblivion, strip endure.
Dark Dragon, DoT removal, there's no direct fear counter, yet, not that it's even all that useful on a Kina anyway.
Oh that's all the DPS monsters that are even slightly viable, so uhh, we are left with Garou, light Monkey King, dark Magic Knight, dark Hell Lady, light Fox, dark Paladin, you can sorta count light Dragon Knight since banning Phoenix and he can ignore all the other broken things, potentially, don't have that, you don't have any damage as long as the enemy DPS summoner has their counters built, ohh just ban the counters, and then they get something broken like light Paladin through, which counters everything. That's another thing I didn't even say yet, PALADINS, THEY COUNTER, EVERYTHING EXTREMELY GOOD ON THAT LIST, you have the tankiest most unkillable nonsense with the strongest offensive from unkillable summoners protected by them, really fun combo, there is no counter to Paladins of value, then there is no counter to summoners DPS, unlike all of Kina's, I suppose Soleta counters DPS Cleaf, let me just pick that for my monsters hmm…DPS Cleaf is also countered by tanky built things since he can't do enough DPS to kill them, like Paladins. Why do summoners get triple DPS monster DPS since that is the damage they have to do to survive a few seconds against a DPS summoner, and have 0 counterplay? Yet those ⅓rd DPS monsters are expected to kill the tankiest monstrosities in the game of Paladins, it just isn't going to happen. Meanwhile you are "nerfing" Kina for the acts of a couple broken LD, when she is completely useless without them, unless against a retard who doesn't know how to counter things at all or hasn't built them. And these counters, they are almost worthless picks for Kina, since they don't do any damage, but all of them are very good picks in general for a DPS summoner. Like the light Fox I mentioned isn't even going to kill Paladins any good and half her burst will be taken by them instead. Other 4, yeah they can kill Paladins potentially, though they are also a good counter of them too anyway at least the roots, since fire/wind will just cleanse everything. Kina is literally out of options for DPS monsters at this point, you have made a counter for everything except for impossible to guarantee an obtain monster or impossible without a time machine, while DPS summoners are uncounterable, while they take uncounterable tank healers. Meanwhile DPS Kina is countered by 100% evasion tanks, anything attacking her since she will be less tanky than a 3* monster with no passives to keep her alive, as she needs to stand still basic attacking to do any DPS, not burst, DPS.
Oh and wind Dragon is really funny since you made him wind, when fire Paladin is fire, if you build it 100% evasion, don't use her 1st skill, suddenly wind Dragon is being the one countered…
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