So you retards are at it again with the terrible balance, "nerfing" Kina's healing abilities, the one's that are already the worst in the game, and it doesn't even matter, because wind weapon doesn't even heal in the first place, you have to waste the heal at above 70% to get the immunity, and light weapon will full heal no matter what unless you nerf it to an obscene level, the other useless weapons will be "nerfed" but no one really used them anyway so congratulations. Let's compare Kina's current heals to monster healing.

Wow this is her STRONGEST HEAL OUT OF HER WEAPONS, the others only have weaker heals, it's .2% more healing, on 6 seconds higher cooldown, BUT WAIT, the THREE STAR heal has revive, and lowers it's own cooldown by 20% if it doesn't, 19 second cooldown heal versus 30, and his other ability is to reduce cooldowns by 35% every 18 seconds, hmm, this is just comparing a THREE STAR with the same healing concept of target HP based, and a light Garuda can be tankier than a Kina, as a THREE STAR, because it's a knight

But of course my light Garuda is a THREE STAR so I don't have the best runes or even decent on it, and it's still nearly as tanky, as a THREE STAR, and that Revitalization is giving her half of the ONLY survivability passive she has.
Let's compare her light weapon's single target healing to the best single target healer.

WOW, practically the same cooldown, but she removes ALL harmful effects BEFORE healing, and gives 8 seconds of invincibility, she scales off stats which means she heals FAR more if she has a high heath pool on things with lower health than her, yet the multiplier is far higher, and her other ability is still a useful full strip versus Kina's joke 30% healing received buff, which only is any decent on vampire? and her own useless heal of course. Or what you gonna bring another healer and have them steal your job and then have no damage to kill anything, because things like these monsters exist so if there's not at least 2 things built mostly DPS hitting the same target it will never be killing anything. Also Kina's second skill is funny because it heals based off damage done, yeah let me just built a DPS Kina just to heal a small amount.

Here's a nice 4* heal, heals almost the same, but more on things with lower HP than herself, on nearly the same cooldown in a massive AoE, and even has continuous recovery, and her other skill is just multiple times better than dark's terrible revive.
Let's get into the real scum of the game, the defense based healing genius idea you had.

DEFENSE BASED HEALING, ON A KNIGHT, it can have what a casual 12k defense, so it's going to heal at least 36k then the multipliers from many sources will increase it by 50% at least, and it has defense up potentially, just fully healing everything while being three times as tanky as a Kina could dream to be. And he even cleanses, and has a single target stronger heal for cheaper. Why does Kina exist again? I have to remind you that light Kina's only advantage is the heal stacks to 3 times, but you know what else stacks to 3 times, MANA YOU RETARDS, ALL SUMMONERS THAT USE MONSTER HEALERS GET KINA'S LIGHT WEAPON'S ONLY ADVANTAGE FOR FREE, Kina's other weapons cannot ever use their skills multiple times in a row when you need to, but monsters can stack their healing, and healing is again the worst aspect to control, there is no point in it, you can do the same on monsters by simple holding them in soul link and releasing when needed, but DPS monsters will not aim for the target you want by doing that, unlike a DPS summoner, that can do multiple times a DPS monster's damage, while being far tankier than them thanks to their passives and movement.
Not even going over wind again, it's so useless I don't understand people using it. But just compare a light Howl or light Pioneer to wind, just a joke.
But once again this nerf is pointless, it will not even affect Kina at all, because the only strength she has, is she isn't the weakest link, but you also made that mostly pointless anyway since you are making soul link controllable while dead, which is a good change, but that's already a Kina nerf, one she doesn't need, because she is literally not doing anything in a match the majority of the time with a META Kina's playstyle. But that's probably why you nerfed it, because it's useless to appease the retards who think it will do anything, because any other nerf would just make her trashier than trash, what are you going to nerf her cooldowns, they are already the highest, any higher and she will just be completely unplayable and meanwhile you can't soul link her trash heals to use them when needed. I remind you she still has no damn cleanse. Funny watching the Soleta complain about being overnerfed when she literally on had a 5% movement speed decrease at above 70% health and a 5% healing reduction per dash since launch.
Let's go over dark weapon as well, this is the stupidest of the changes, what are you doing damaging her when she revives, it is the WORST REVIVE IN THE GAME, IT HAS A FOURTY SECOND COOLDOWN, THAT CAN'T EVEN BE REDUCED, it revives barely higher than other revivers after you buffed them for no reason, and even made the Blessing artifact for a 20% of their HP shield, she can't even heal herself with this trash weapon, so it's only even usable if you bring another healer, but if you brought another healer, what's the point of whatever you are nerfing, that slight self damage will do nothing anyway, I hardly even use dark when it isn't banned because the stars need to align for it to have any use, if I switch I am a sitting duck for over 30 seconds with no way to heal myself or my monsters and bring nothing else of value, the trash ultimate can't even heal or cleanse.
Also incase you want to act like her attack based healing is actually a factor

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