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In-Game Suggestions.
Hive_115308000581896825045 11/26/2023
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1. Change the Immunity mechanics: When Immunity is applied, the duration should be reduced by 1 second for every debuff it resists. This is limited to debuffs that were negated after resistance is applied (assuming resistance is checked first before immunity).

2. Buff Cleaf's passive: The endure buff from Tenacity Keeper's Cleaf should be unremovable but can be prevented by oblivion. There could be a mechanic where Cleaf needs to accumulate a certain number of stacks before the endure becomes unremovable. For example, stacks could increase based on the number of provokes he applies. Additionally, you could give him increased attack/attack speed and move speed if this passive skill procs.

3. Buff Orbia's skill accuracy: Skills with a 50-55% chance of applying are awful. What's the point of resistance if these rates are so low?



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