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Do not buff Orbia
glaphan 08/22/2023
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Are you people insane? The next Korean patch is supposed to buff Orbia, and Cleaf, nerfing Soleta, Kina untouched even though she is useless trash.

Do not reward Orbia for playing wrong, she has never been nerfed since the water Pirate Captain nerf, which didn't even nerf her, it nerfed the monster, there is literally no difference between now and then, Kina and Cleaf “buffs” since then do not impact their ability to live against water Pirate Captain Orbia, yet you know what the only thing different is since that nerf, NONE OF THE ORBIA ARE TAKING ATTACK UP, ALMOST EVERY SINGLE GAME THEY DON'T EVEN BRING DEFENSE DOWN, DOESN'T STOP THEM FROM POTENTIALLY INSTANT KILLING ALL YOUR MONSTERS ANYWAY. Imagine buffing a character because everyone plays it wrong, if Orbia brings attack up and defense down, you literally have no way to survive 1 wave of attack, heals become pointless, ultimates will one shot on their own, there is no point. On top of that you are even releasing the mythic weapons/sub in the same patch, you know increasing summoner damage even further, and survivability as if besides Kina they needed it, while monsters are only getting useless symbol quality increase, yeah that's about 1% of my monsters power, unlike weapons/sub/necklace that are the majority of summoner. Not to mention this is during 80 patch where monsters are buffed but summoners get shafted since they rely on their equipment mainly, but now the equipment will be buffed again anyway.

Cleaf buffs are also dumb but I don't know what you are doing to the taunts, I swear to god if you decrease their cooldown or anything, hello Kina still has the shittiest heals in the game with 30+ second cooldowns as their 3rd skill, Cleaf taunts besides water and light have 30, but his taunt gives useful buffs and his taunt is unique since they can manipulate enemy monster positions as they please, since you know, they can move as they want and the dumb AI follows.

Only reason Soleta is dominating is because she gets free attack up on both dark and light weapon, and you can't even stop it with removal since it happens so often, block beneficial effects is the only way, but it's not like you didn't give her a free cleanse and she can't bring cleanses or immunity.

Do I really need to keep explaining how bad Kina is, I don't even understand the wind Kina “META”, she only gives immunity if monsters are above 70%, what's the point, you are wasting your heal entirely just for immunity, while wind's 3rd skill is the biggest piece of trash in any game ever conceived. As I've wrote many times, ask yourself what a Kina is even bringing to a match, that literally any other support or even knights doesn't bring better of.

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