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Feb. 29th Update Before/After Schedule Notice (No Maintenance)
GM Chronicles 02/26/2024


Greetings from <Summoners War: Chronicles>.


The Feb. 29th update, which will add new events, content, and products to the game, will take place without maintenance.


We would also like to inform you in advance of the events and products that are expiring soon.


Update Before/After Schedule Notice (No Maintenance)


▶ Target Region

- All Region


▶ New Events/Content Starting Before Update

Event/Content Name


Lucky Bingo

Feb. 29th 12am ~ Mar. 7th 12am

 5★ Monster <Beast Monk> (Wind) Rate UP Summon

Feb. 29th 12am ~ Mar. 14th 12am

Collection Challenge Week 3

5★ Monkey King Exclusive Artifact Rate Up Summon

Feb. 29th 12am ~ Mar. 21st 12am

World Boss Season 22

Feb. 29th 2am ~ Mar. 7th 12am

* Time zone for each region: US - EST / EU - CET / ASIA - ICT / JP - JST

* Events starting after the update will be announced through the update notes.


▶ Expiring Events/Content

Event/Content Name

End Schedule

 5★ Monster <Phoenix> (Fire) Rate UP Summon

~ Feb. 29th 12am

World Boss Season 21

* Time zone for each region: US - EST / EU - CET / ASIA - ICT / JP - JST

* Please make sure to collect all rewards before the event or the content ends.


▶ Expiring Products

Product Name

End Schedule

Unicorn Step Up PackageⅠ/Ⅱ/Ⅲ/Ⅳ

~ Feb. 28th 12am

Unicorn Special Summon Package

Fire Phoenix Package

Beast Monk/Raven Artifact Pack

* Time zone for each region: US - EST / EU - CET / ASIA - ICT / JP - JST


▶ Regular Packages to Discontinue (To be discontinued on Feb. 28th 12am)



LD Summon Package +

[Recommended] - [Summon]

Weekly Trans. Scroll Package

Weekly Legend Summon Package

Weekly Myst. Summon Package

Monthly Trans. Scroll Package

Monthly Legend Summon Package

Monthly Myst. Summon Package

Special Legend Package +

Super Price Package +

Legendary Scroll Package +

3 Attribute Essence Package

[Recommended] - [Growth/Evolution]

3 Attribute Upgrade Package

Account Name Change Package

[General Sale] - [Play]

Equipment Boost Package +

Rahil Order Package +

Restoration Stone Package +


▶ Special Offers to Discontinue (To be discontinued on Feb. 28th 12am)

*Special Offer

Reach Lv. 60 on Orbia/Kina/Cleaf/Soleta

Reach 100F and 20F (Hard) in the new Trial of Ascension

Reach Spires of Ascension 60F/100F/140F/160F

Complete Tree of Heroes

Complete Foggy Prison/White Shadow Castle/Boiling Waterfall/Twisted Marsh +

Complete Rukurangma/Kontana/Sierra Story

Clear Flurence/Rukurangma Area Dungeon +

Welcoming Returning Summoners

* Please note that the $99.99 special offers that appear upon meeting certain conditions will be discontinued.




Please make sure to collect any rewards

and check if there are any unused mileage.


Thank you.


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