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December Future Updates Notice
GM Chronicles 12/07/2023


Greetings from the producer of Summoners War: Chronicles.


I would like to introduce the updates planned for the month of December.


Through the update on the 2nd week of December, you will be able to summon the new Monster, Fairy Queen.


Fire Fairy Queen (Support type) recovers the HP, removes all harmful effects, and casts ATK UP and Revive.


Water Fairy Queen (Support type) recovers the HP, removes all harmful effects, decreases the Monster’s skill cooldown, and increases the Summoner’s ultimate gauge. 


Wind Fairy Queen (Support type) removes Immunity and applies Oppress. It can also remove 2 beneficial effects on the target and decrease its cooldown if the opponent receives a cooldown DOWN effect in the Arena or Siege Battle.


Light Fairy Queen (Support type) recovers the HP, removes all harmful effects, and applies ATK UP and Immunity to allies.


Dark Fairy Queen (Support type) applies Silence, decreases the enemy Summoner’s ultimate gauge. It uses Fairy’s Blessing skill that recovers the HP of allies and removes 2 beneficial effects on the target. When a team member’s HP falls below a certain ratio in the Arena and Siege Battle, it activates Fairy’s Blessing. 


Fire Fairy Queen Monster Story will be added. You will need to possess a Fire Fairy Queen in order to progress with its Monster Story.


You’ll be able to test out Fairy Queen’s abilities every week in the Water/Fire/Wind Garden of Trial. Garden of Trial is a dungeon where you can test out the Fairy Queen’s abilities without possessing them.


Please keep in mind that the Vortex of Destiny will occur as usual if you summon a duplicate Light/Dark Fairy Queen through summon, regardless of the Light/Dark Fairy Queen acquired from events.



New Monster Water Harp Magician will be added.


You can obtain it by clearing Illusion Garden, and Water Harp Magician possesses the following characteristics.


It’s a support-type Monster that can remove a beneficial effect on enemies within the area and apply ATK DOWN. In addition, it recovers the HP of an ally with low HP.


It can create a zone that lasts for a certain duration within the area. Stepping into the zone continuously removes DEF DOWN effect on allies and recovers the HP of an ally with low HP.


In addition, if an enemy within the zone attempts to apply Stun, Freeze, or Knockdown in the Arena and Siege Battle, recovers the target team member’s HP, and all Summoners and Monster within the zone become immune to Stun, Freeze, and Knockdown.


Summoner Winter Slumber Pajama outfit will be added.



Pop Star Polar Queen, Occult Girl, and Valkyrja, which were scheduled for November, will be added this time.


With the winter holidays season coming up, we’ll be holding holiday events.


The following content is scheduled to be added through the update in the last week of December.


Legendary skill Artifact will be added. 


Legendary Artifacts are exclusive artifacts that can be used by specific Monsters, and they serve to elevate the Monster’s abilities significantly.


Legendary Artifacts, which are added through this update, will have 40 types for each attribute. The Monsters that can equip these artifacts are Vampire Hunter, Monkey King, Sylph, Fairy Queen, Harg, Vagabond, Martial Cat, and Mystic Witch. More Monsters will be added in future updates.


Guaranteed acquisition (pick-up summon) for each attribute will be held. With Fairy Queen being added to the game as a new Monster, a Fairy Queen exclusive Artifact Pick-up will start. 


Only Artifacts of the same attribute can be equipped. However, considering the difficulty in acquiring Dark/Light attributes, you will be able to obtain Artifacts of Light/Dark attributes with a guaranteed chance without any differences in summoning chance.


Legendary Artifacts can be acquired from Artifact summon in Summon Altar and by combining Hero Artifacts. Scrolls can be acquired through world boss content.



3 New Hero Artifacts will be added as well.



Galagos Ruins will be completely revamped.


The existing monthly seasons will change to three-month seasons, and the floor limits and map selection methods will disappear. Instead, rankings will be calculated based on the records of reaching the deepest abyss during the season.


Summoners who make it to the top 3 in the season rankings will have their statues displayed in the entrance menu for the following season.


The existing method of selecting 30 Monsters upon entry will be removed as all Monsters of 3★ or higher can be used during the season. As it requires various Monsters, it’ll be balanced so that Runes and Artifacts are not needed.


As a result, elements that hinder the convenience of auto battles such as difficulty adjustment and traps through the Magic Order will be removed. Additionally, the artifact selection upon clearing the floor will also be completely revamped, allowing you to obtain new artifact cards.


The Galagos Pass will be introduced, increasing the overall basic rewards. Moreover, additional rewards can be obtained based on the floor and ranking reached.


14 Days of Lucky Summon Event will start.


This event will let new Summoners obtain the Monster of their choice more easily. Select the Monster of the 3 attributes (Fire/Water/Wind) to obtain the Monster with a 100% chance upon summoning a 5★ Monster.


This event can only be participated once during the 14 days, and will be applied to existing Summoners, not just the new Summoners upon the update.



Rules will be added to Siege Battle.


It’s a system for Summoners with relatively low PWR to attack the opponents. Even if that Summoner fails to capture the enemy base, it can apply “Demoralization” to the corresponding defense camp if certain conditions are met.


The enemy’s total HP replaced in a demoralized defense camp will be reduced and will accumulate over a maximum of 3 stages to provide assistance upon retry. This effect is applied only to ally guilds and does not apply to third-party guilds.



Re-alteration function will be added to Magictech.


For Gems, Spell Books, Effect Stones, you can redistribute their abilities once through re-alteration.


With the addition of re-alteration, the MAX LV of Magictech will expand to 16. From Magictech Lv. 12, you’ll be able to obtain Silver Artifact Seal (Artifact Scroll) as a random reward for Great Success in re-alteration.



Summoner’s Way Act 2 - Intermediate Summoner’s Way will be added.


You can complete it by enhancing Legend 6★ Equipment, Legend 6★ Runes, Attribute Research Skills, Hero+ Artifacts, and by challenging Spires of Ascension.



Here are the changes and additions to the Battlefield content.


The new Battlefield “Howling Cliff”, which was scheduled for the November update, will have rules added and is planned to be introduced in this version.


The Howling Cliff mode is a 3 vs 3 Battlefield, where players can earn a significant amount of Gold and Victory Seals.


To win, the player must destroy the enemy Protection Stone within a limited time first. If the time runs out, the team with higher HP remaining on their Guard Tower and Protection Stone will win.


Allied creatures will be summoned for both teams to aid in the battle in this mode. Thus, it is essential to defeat these creatures while playing.


One unique aspect of this Battlefield is that all players enter with the same fixed PWR, and parties cannot include duplicate Summoners (e.g., Cleaf & Cleaf).


Additionally, the existing Battlefields will also have a mode where players enter with the same fixed PWR.



Monster Research will be added.


If you obtain the Water/Fire/Wind attributes of the same Monster and develop all 3 Monsters to a certain stage, all Monsters’ abilities will increase regardless of the attribute.


Newly added Monsters will have bonus effects for a limited time.



Information on the top 10 Summoners who achieved the highest scores in Guild Siege Battle will be displayed.



We’ll be adding a guild hair accessory, which has your guild emblem engraved. It can be crafted through the guild profession skill.



Here are some improvements on QoL.


Rune icons will be changed based on their value, and grades will be added to show effects for Effect Stones/Spell Books/Gems. Sorting based on value will also be available, but since each individual has different standards for value, that feature will be prepared in the next update.



A new “All” tab, which displays both equipped and unequipped Runes will be added to the Rune Inventory.


A “Whisper” button will be added to the guild member list.


The UI will be improved so that you can check the Monster Transmogrifications more conveniently.



Snow Mountain Beast Rider and Ice Hockey Panda Warrior Transmogrifications will be added.


That's the complete list of scheduled updates for December.


Moreover, as we near the end of the year, we intend to share the roadmap for next year's updates.



Please stay cozy this winter.


Thank you, as always.


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