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May 18th Global (EU, ASIA, JP) Regular Maintenance Schedule Notice
GM Chronicles 05/17/2023


Greetings from <Summoners War: Chronicles>!

We would like to inform you of the May 18th regular maintenance schedule.

An app update will take place along with regular maintenance.
The game will be unavailable on previous versions after the app update.

Please make sure to update the app before you play.

The game will be unavailable during maintenance.
Please check the information below to avoid any inconvenience.



▌May 18th Global (EU, ASIA, JP) Regular Maintenance Schedule Notice


▶ Target Regions
- EU
- JP


▶ Maintenance Schedule




5/18 06:00 - 08:30 (UTC +2)

5/18 09:00 - 10:30 (UTC +7)

5/18 13:00 - 15:30  (UTC +9)

* Please note that PC/Steam access in Japan and Europe will be unavailable for Summoners logging in after 12pm.

* The following message may appear if you complete the new installation and update before the maintenance time and access via Japan/Europe
“The requested app version is abnormal.”
* You can access the game normally after the maintenance.


▶ New Event

Event Name


Arena Surprise Wheel Event

5/18 01:00 - 5/25 01:00 (UTC +2) 

5/18 00:00 - 5/25 00:00 (UTC +7)

5/18 00:00 - 5/25 00:00 (UTC +9)

* Events that begin after maintenance will be announced via the update note.


▶ Events/Content Ending Soon

Event, Content

End Date

Collection Challenge Season 2

- 5/18 01:00 (UTC +2)

- 5/18 00:00 (UTC +7)

- 5/18 00:00 (UTC +9)

5★ Monster Fire <Polar Queen> Rate UP Summon

Incoming Guild Request Event

Starfish from the Deep Sea Event

- 5/19 01:00 (UTC +2)

- 5/19 00:00 (UTC +7)

- 5/19 00:00 (UTC +9)

Find the Sea Treasures Event

* Please refer to the end date of events/content and claim the rewards in time.

* Rate UP summon mileage will also disappear and will not count toward the next Rate UP summon.


▶ Products Expiring Soon


End Date

Galagos Summon Package 

- 5/18 01:00 (UTC +2)

- 5/18 00:00 (UTC +7)

- 5/18 00:00 (UTC +9)

Fire Polar Queen Package

Rainbowmon Double Package

Starfish Package A/B/C

- 5/19 00:50 (UTC +2)

- 5/19 23:50 (UTC +7)

- 5/19 23:50 (UTC +9)


※ Please Read
- The maintenance schedule is subject to change. We will notify you of any changes via this notice.
- The game will be unavailable during maintenance.
- Please exit the game at a safe location before the maintenance begins.
- Please sync your account to protect your valuable account.
 - After the maintenance, you must update the app to the latest version to play the game.
- The update button may appear at different times in the store.
- If the app does not update in the store, please refresh the store and proceed with the download again.
- Data usage may vary depending on the download size. It is recommended to download over Wi-Fi.


Please check the notice that will be posted after the maintenance for the update details.


Thank you.

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