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Buff Water Sword Spirit Damage Scaling
glaphan 05/03/2024
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So you retards made values too low, again, just like the enemy attack difference monsters that no one uses still and you never buffed, as this will probably be ignored as well, why use water Sword Spirit for damage when she only scales off the enemy HP, when people don't even use own HP scaling damage dealers as is. The only thing she can hit hard, is high HP monsters, which is still going to be nothing of their overall HP, but compare her skill 1 9.6% x 4 for 38.4%, but fire Chimera a piece of trash no one uses, does 41.9% of his own HP scaling, with the 2nd highest base health set, and he spams damage dealt up to himself and full cleanse immunity counters with that skill, her damage against him, would still be lower than his damage, TO EVERYTHING ELSE, he would do that high damage to monsters with 50k health, but she would do A THIRD, of his damage, the only thing she has is the ability to be built 400% crit damage, but my fire Chimera if he had Rage set, would have 288.2% crit damage anyway, and it's not like my runes are perfect, can still get a ton off mythic runes alone, so that's only 28.8% more damage from the extra stats, but what else can she build, oh, only full tank, as a warrior instead of knight, but she doesn't scale off stats so it doesn't matter for anything, she's just going to be less tanky, with less damage, even against that very same fire Chimera, while doing half damage to anything with half his HP, and HP based damage dealers still already do trash damage compared to every other damage type, meanwhile hers would be reduced further by enemy destroy, so she can't even do damage against a 60% destroyed enemy, while you can at least heal fire Chimera's potentially.

She can explode frostbite but even if you hit every single one of hers it would only do 54.4%, assuming they all have max duration, which is impossible, and hitting all 6 frostbite stacks is also impossible, since it's got 15% to miss for no reason which you refuse to remove, and her other skill is only 50% x 5, so like 35% with your retarded misses, and if you are going for frostbite exploding you might as well use water Raven who doesn't have retarded conditions and better frostbite, and no one uses him either since he's also a piece of trash even after your buff, at the same time he's utterly broken and people are retarded to never use him during this DoT set season, but that's over in 2 weeks so you can't even use her for much longer with that. Meanwhile she is just hard countered by water Harp as well.

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