So a month ago i mentioned how Water Watcher Werewolf was missing from the hero area.
It looks like the Dark Hero Area Rukurangma suffers from the same problem.
As for 2 weeks now have i been changing channels and camping this one spot looking for the monster known as:
Canyon Slayer Frankenstein (Fire) as it only spawns the light version of that specific monster.
I went ahead and checked every other monster in the game while i was at it to make sure this will not pop up a 3rd time.
And it seems this guy is the only other one that i have not obtained so far sitting at creature book 99.5% to prove it.
As the only other 3 im missing are hero area baphomets.
So i am sorry to have to bother with this again but can you please make it so that much like in the rudelin area's,
That their spawn rate priorities are about the same.
I would appreciate that very much.

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