Greetings from <Summoners War: Chronicles>.
We would like to inform you about the changes in this upcoming update.
The content and event time are based on each region’s time zone:
Please check the details below.

▶ White Night Rate UP Summon
- 5★ Light Valkyrja and 5★ Dark Sword Spirit’s White Night Rate UP Summon will be held in the [Summon Altar].
· Period: Nov. 28, 12:00 AM - Dec. 26, 12:00 AM
· Light Valkyrja and Dark Sword Spirit will appear with a higher chance when you use the White Night Scroll to summon.
· The Rate UP target Monster will appear with a guaranteed chance during the 200 summons (MAX).
· The summon will end when the Rate UP target Monster is acquired and additional summons won’t be available.
▶ 5★ Valkyrja Exclusive Artifact Rate UP Summon
- 5★ Valkyrja Exclusive Artifact Rate UP Summon will begin for each attribute.
· Period: Nov. 28, 12:00 AM - Dec. 26, 12:00 AM
· 5★ Valkyrja Exclusive Artifact can be acquired with a higher chance than the Galaxy Summon.
· The 5★ Valkyrja Exclusive Artifact will be available to acquire whenever you reach 200 mileage points with the Rate UP Summon.
· The mileage points won’t reset even if you get the 5★ Valkyrja Exclusive Artifact before reaching 200 points.
▶ Illusion Garden
- The theme Monster of the Illusion Garden will be changed to 4★ Light Griffon.
· Period: Dec. 2, 12:00 AM - Dec. 8, 11:55 PM

▶ It Takes Two to Tango
- Period: Nov. 28, 12:00 AM - Dec. 12, 12:00 AM

- Details: Embark on an epic journey with Martial Rabbit!
· You must be accompanied by Martial Rabbit to complete the missions.
※ Summoners who already own 5★ Martial Rabbit must move from their current location to a different area in order to complete the ‘Acquire Fire/Water/Wind Martial Rabbit’ mission and claim the mission reward from the event page.
▶ Black Friday Accumulated Purchase Event
- Period: Nov. 28, 12:00 AM - Dec. 12, 12:00 AM

- Details: Purchase products and get bonus rewards!
· Bonus is available only with packages purchased from the Accumulated Purchase Shop.
· Applied only once a day even if you make multiple purchases.
We hope you enjoy the new content and events.
We will continue to provide an enjoyable <Summoners War: Chronicles> experience.
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